
My New Nom...

Yep new year, new you, new hamster...I'm sure that's the saying.

From a previous post you will have read last year I lost my sweet lil Chinese Dwarf Hamster Brett and for a while after I didn't want to look for a new pet (too soon and all that) but being unemployed for four weeks, with no money to go anywhere and stuck in the house alone, the silence can become....deafening. So my dad suggested it was time to move on...ITS HAMSTER TIME!

Sorry, couldn't resist....ahem...

Any who without further a do I would like to introduce my new lil hammy ham, my Madam Ham Carrera (aka Babushka) the Russian Dwarf Hamster

ta da
Yes, she does look very much like Brett but unlike him she is in fact just a ball of fluff with a face. Misto Chris (the other half) came up with Carrera as she is as quick as f**k and has a racing stripe down her back. Babushka is a nickname (or her real name according to my dad) as she is Russian. I like both.

I got her mid-Jan but she is still getting used to us and her new home. She still thinks if you poke a finger at her it means BITE ME! She doesn't bite hard but this did lead to a sudden jolt on my part and unwilling to let go right away she flew out of her cage. Lucky my trousers we on the floor where I'm a lazy git and didn't pick them up and she landed in them, but for me, lesson learnt. As for her....still learning.

I'm sure there will be other updates of the great Madam Ham but for now I shall bid you  adieu,  adieu, to yu and yu and yu. I promise a review will be coming soon. Pinky swear (holds up pinky and cuts it off to give to you) that's how its done right?

For the mean time, Carrera/Babushka, I give you a Gothic salute >^^<

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