
Back from the Wild...

la la la la....do be do do....ah, what a crazy few months I've had. New jobs, trips with the family and the likes. Wait! What's this? *Looks at laptop* I have a blog? OH CRAP! I HAVE A BLOG! *Throws away Hawaiian shirt and giant floppy sun hat and replaces with intelligent glasses and cracks fingers*

HELLO! Yes internet family, I have not abandoned you. Just got lazy and skipped off to look as if I had a life outside my room. To prove this to you I come back with a blog dedicated to my dear Papa.
We had our daddy, daughter day with a trip to...

I hadn't been to Paradise Wildlife Park since their star attraction was a deaf, blind and almost dying fox they brought back from the brink but as I'm assuming final destination has at last caught up with him, the place needed a new gimmick, and from what I could see that was more animals.

The cost of admission was £16 for adults and considering London Zoo is just a 'tad' more pricy, that's pretty good value. Although Paradise is a smaller place so I guess you get what you pay for.
The park starts you off with a few of their different varieties of lima. Ring tailed, red tufted, that other breed, and so on.

From here you could pick several different roots, so we decided that llamas were what our visit required at this point. Seriously if you have watched 'The Emperors New Grove' you wouldn't be able to stop watching and saying 'If he was Kuzco, he be saying 'Yeah I'm a llama again''.

Close up of said llama

We next saw some squirrel monkeys running around (but surprisingly not leaving) an open enclosure. With good timing and a cooperative monkey I managed to coax a conversation out of him about the time he hit Broadway and was a huge star with two other monkeys and a owl. I said I didn't believe him which prompted him to throw one of these my way...


Ah, monkeys....So anyway I decided this guy was B.S ing me a went on with my on foot safari. We saw many a creature, penguins, emus, kangaroos and then we came across this stripy ass,

no, not my dad, the zebra...mean readers
Now as you can see, there is absolutely nothing stopping us from touching this zebra. No high fence. No electric wires. No small police squirrels. And yet that tiny sign you see past the zebras ear, the one we didn't come across till AFTER the zebra, said 'Do not touch, I may bite'....yeah, hindsight's a marvellous thing if the zebra was to ravage your face. Luckily not today.

Earlier in the year I went to another safari park and there was two things Misto Chris and I wanted to see. Wolfs and cheetahs. With it being one of the three hot days we have had this year, both animals were either hanging out under trees in the distance or none mobile, almost looking like road kill. So when I saw these wolfs very much alive I had to take many pictures for my Misto Chris.

Food? Food now?
I shall now group the next two animals together as these are both my dads absolute favourites. The meerkat and the water meerkat, also known as an otter. I have to admit I've seen a lot of meerkat's in my time but nothing came as cute as seeing two very small, very fuzzy headed babies running around and getting into trouble. My dad stood watching them for ages. I on the other hand lost interest after half an hour of people standing there going 'awwww'....puke
Now your doing it too right?
Onto the otters. I have never been as close to an otter as I had been this day. It couldn't have been better timing. We arrived while the keepers were cleaning their pool so the otters were herded into their indoor hut. This bought us face to face with them whether they liked it or not. Otters do make one of the cutest noises and do a great old man face but once again there was my dad *click, click, click, click*. There was also some school children trying to get in on the action but a quick 'piss off' did the trick...ok not exactly, but the kids got the jist.
Old people faces, naw
There was a point when I realised why the tickets were so cheap...
Hey, wait a minuet. They ain't no camels...
There was a lot more animals such as red pandas, racoon dogs (no idea) reptiles and such, but the part I was really looking forward too and turned me into a three year old again was the big cat section. In this respect of the zoo's I have recently visited, Paradise excels all others with variety and enclosures. They were all equally beautiful and easy to see. I won't go on about them, I will just let my pictures do the talking for me...

 White tiger and snow leopard
Ocelot and leopard

White Lions
And at last, my cheetah's...
So over all I'd say me and daddio had a fantastic day. The weather held out, all the animals were seen and nothing mated making an awkward daddy, daughter moment.
Just a word of advice. Nothing to do with me, but when going anywhere with a car park, be sure to take care getting out of a car. If you hit and expensive car next to you, forcing you to park elsewhere, it does tend to play on your mind for the rest of the day. As I say, just sound advice.
I give Paradise Wildlife Park a Gothic salute. And also one to my dad. Love you daddy x

1 comment:

  1. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, these are not Llamsa they are ALPACAS.
    Fantastic Daddy/Daughter day
    Love Anonymous
