
End of an era....

Yes people. It is the end of another year and what a wired and wonderful, if not slightly depressing one it has been. We had the Olympics, the New York hurricane Sandy, rail strikes and prices rising....again. I read the price of public travel will keep rising for 10 years and the price of petrol will continue to go up meaning we will resort back to the Middle Ages only travelling by, foot, horse or cart. But on the bright side we are out or a double recession and into just a regular one so swings and roundabouts.

As for me, I lost my lil hammy ham Brett but I know he's in a better place. And I have a new business idea for the new year so I shall keep you posted on that development. Watch this space.

I guess I don't really have much else to say. Just 2012, I give you a Gothic salute.

And to you reading this. Happy New Year. Have a great 2013. Lets not fuck this one up >^^<

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