
A great one to start with:

What better game to start my reviewing with then one of my favorite's and I feel, until recently, unappreciated games to come to the x-box/PS2/PC.

The set up, a young boy named Razputin runs away from his family and the circus to Whispering Peaks to find the Psychic Summer Camp. Told he is not allowed to join without his parents consent, his father is called but until he arrives Raz must wait in the grounds to be picked up. Whilst there, Raz finds all is not what it seems and there is evil lurking in the quite camp site. Will Raz save the day? And will he ever live his dream of becoming a member of the...

Some of you may look at this and say "Yes, great game, makes me want milk and pie" and you people deserve a cookie. The rest of you will think "Never heard of it" in which case get it now from Steam or get hit with a fish because that's what you deserve. The only person that would miss out on getting this game is you and your stupid face.

Psychonauts is an eye pleasing, boredom filling, joke spilling, witty bantering masterpiece that only comes along once in a while. Made by Tim Schafer this game is a wonderland of levels including platforms, hidden objects and combat in which you must use psychic powers to overcome your enemies and after learning each ability you receive a Brownie style badge which, lets face it, if the Girlguides were handing out badges for these skills, we would all be members.

The characters are well thought out with backgrounds, magnetic personality's and the way the game gives its version of memories, mind blocks, baggage and all things to do with the human psyche you can't be anything but impressed with the developers imagination with how they are presented.

Visually the game is stunning but no level shows off the beautiful and eye pleasing artwork as the mind of Edgar Teglee, a Spanish artist who after losing his love becomes obsessed with matadors and bullfighting. Once in his world the screen is filled with a contrast of dark streets and neon color's. 
Every characters mind fits well with their story and is entertaining from start to finish. 

Edgar's Mind

I must admit that playing through the game, when you reach the last few levels, the difficulty does go way up (not even the bosses, just getting to them) and you get to a part where theres no way back so the opportunity to complete any unfinished tasks go out the window (which I hate. I'm a 100% completion kind of goth) but other then that I have no complaints. This game rocks.

I don't want to say too much else on the story as it will spoil your gaming experience but I must express my love for the two levels 'The Milkman Conspiracy ' and 'Lungfishopolis' in that order. 

Oh and I must mention that after an ending that seems to promise a sequel, at long last it looks like a 'Psychonauts 2' is being considered if the problem of a publisher can be resolved. Fingers crossed it will be out this year.

Right, after an hour  of writing this (yes I know it's not a long review but I had to do my research and consider my words carefully with expressing the AMAZINGNESS of this game) I shall let you go and buy this game as I know it is the first thing you will be doing. This game receives a gothic salute. Have fun >^^<


It took a while...

I know, I know, I said I would start a new blog and then vanish for several weeks. But that's because I have moved. Yes I joined the independent world again and moved into a house share...with own private bathroom. SHAZAM!

Anyway there are things after living with the parents again that you forget about when you move out. Such as food shopping without a car. Fighting the urge to buy things you NEED (lamps, curtains, towels ) over the things you really really DON'T need (cat shaped cushions, the new novel by Richelle Mead, cheese) and making sure you lock doors, windows and  turn off all plugs before leaving the house because if there is a fire or theft you know there is no one to blame but your own stupid face.

Need to set up my x-box and start to review some games. Moving in with a boy means I also have access to a PS3 and somewhere in my life I picked up a Wii so I'm pretty covered for games to look at. Now it's just remembering to jot down notes and not be so captivated by the prospect of a fantasy world that I believe I am a chosen hero with the ability to shoot fire from my hands and fall off tall buildings and land with the agility of a sphinx.

Anywho, must tidy this place to make room for the kinect. Have some fruit to ninja.

Lil Goth xxx>^^<xxx


A New Era

I'm back!

Yes hello internet users. I, Lil Goth have returned to the World Wide Web, solo. I decided to write my own blog as Thee Gothic Gentlemen seem to have split until I don't know when. Until then I shall be writing on my own blog page about the world, game and book reviews and things I think need to be said. Like right now I'm sat writing this with the cat asleep on my leg, cutting of the circulation giving me discomfort and pain an yet I will not move for fear of disturbing her slumber...she's a freaking cat. She doesn't care about disturbing my blood circulation and yet I will sit here till I must get up an promptly fall flat on my face from dead leg syndrome...

Anyway, I am off now to find more interesting things to comment on. I shall be back after the cover of darkness to regale you with tales of...stuff

Oh and Happy New Year >^^<

The cat I speak of...