
It took a while...

I know, I know, I said I would start a new blog and then vanish for several weeks. But that's because I have moved. Yes I joined the independent world again and moved into a house share...with own private bathroom. SHAZAM!

Anyway there are things after living with the parents again that you forget about when you move out. Such as food shopping without a car. Fighting the urge to buy things you NEED (lamps, curtains, towels ) over the things you really really DON'T need (cat shaped cushions, the new novel by Richelle Mead, cheese) and making sure you lock doors, windows and  turn off all plugs before leaving the house because if there is a fire or theft you know there is no one to blame but your own stupid face.

Need to set up my x-box and start to review some games. Moving in with a boy means I also have access to a PS3 and somewhere in my life I picked up a Wii so I'm pretty covered for games to look at. Now it's just remembering to jot down notes and not be so captivated by the prospect of a fantasy world that I believe I am a chosen hero with the ability to shoot fire from my hands and fall off tall buildings and land with the agility of a sphinx.

Anywho, must tidy this place to make room for the kinect. Have some fruit to ninja.

Lil Goth xxx>^^<xxx

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