If you read my last blog I was preparing my costume for the expo causing a 'minor' injury. I'm fine now btw! Over the years I have collected and been given various anime cat girl costume parts such as my ears from a previous comic con and a tail and paw mittens that my comic con veteran sister had bought for me. I decided because I am as poor as Poorie McGee of the Broke Estate off the coast of Skint Island, I got a white shirt, blue tartan skirt and long white socks which I already owned to combine the two most popular anime characters. Cat girl and school girl. I thought the costume needed a collar so I went to a pound shop, found a gold bell and 'ta da'. Also it was a baby blue colour to match my ears so I decided fate was on my side. Now putting my costume together I decided my dark hair didn't go with the white and blue motif so a wig was in order. I got a great one from Fancy Dress Ball on the old web. Once that arrived I ordered some blue anime contacts from YouKnowIt.com and I have to say I was surprised of the outcome. See what you think?
Afraid there is no full length picture just yet. I may add that at a later date. Anyway the expo itself was packed and we were there with the early crowed. We turned up at 8:00am as we knew it would get pretty cosy rather quickly and with buying the slightly more expensive tickets we were in before the BIG rush at 11:00am. And let me tell you that was SUCH a good idea (Thank you Danni). More on that later.
As we were one of the first in, nothing was overly packed. You could manoeuvre between stalls easily and see the new games and WiiU displays quite quickly.
I have to admit I did zoom around the whole place at record speed, but as I said before, Poorie McGee raises her ugly head and other then just looking there wasn't much keeping me there. I did love seeing the effort others had gone to making their costumes. Maybe I can get to that standard some day. And please take note of the girl in the homemade Mass Effect get up. She's doing it for the ladies.
To not let such talent go to waste, there was several photo stalls set up so you could get a professional picture taken to remember the day that you nearly went blind with dry eyes from wearing contacts too long or the dent you now have in the middle of your forehead from a misplaced seam in your wig or having a cold arse form wearing a stupidly short skirt at the start of the winter season....or was that just my experience?
Back to the expo and one cool thing you could see was memorabilia from TV and films. There was also people doing signings but the queues were too long for me to see who they were. If you want to know who just go to the expo website I have linked at the start of this blog (click on 'At the').
One thing people were doing (and if someone could explain this to me as I really don't get it), were walking around with 'Free Hugs' signs. These did not encourage me to hug these people. If anything it made me feel sad for them as they clearly had no way of receiving human contact except to give out hugs for free. Where did it start? Does it really work? And why wont someone stop it. Don't get me wrong, I love a cuddle more then a overly emotional teddy with PMS, but that just seems desperate. Sorry if someone who is reading this has donned the sign but its just not my thing. Good luck with it.I hope you get the attention you so crave.
So back to the crowdedness. By the time the normal ticket buyers arrived there was no room to move. I mean none. It was like being on the London Underground at rush hour at Christmas shopping season. That was it for me, I was done and had to leave. You couldn't stop to look at stalls, you were just shepherded along until you reached an exit. And that was my sign to bid fairwell to the nerdy wonerland of joy.
Overall it was a great day. I really did love being in a room full of people with the same interests as me but only with the early tickets. Without those I think it wouldn't have been as enjoyable and with the rising numbers of fans turning up to these events who knows what the future holds for Comic Cons in London. Bigger venues? Or smaller fans? You decide. Vote now.....I give this event a Gothic salute >^^<